Looking for an adult's yoga mat? Click here.
These yoga mats, sized for young children (0-4 years), are thicker and more luxurious than most. The cushion-y texture provides a comfortable pad for play. They are perfect for yoga, but also great as a play mat, sleeping pad or surface for tummy time or an outdoor picnic. The designs of the mats are based on authentic yoga poses, Sun and Lotus, and are dyed with soy-based ink in chakra inspired colors.
The Little Yoga Mat is: ~ biodegradable, recyclable and hypoallergenic ~ PVC, latex, BPA, formamide, lead and phthalate free ~ lightweight with a non-slip grip and clean easily with soap and water ~ 2011 CPSIA (Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act) tested and approved.
See Jensen, woman behind The Little Yoga Mat, describe the benefits children receive when doing yoga in this six-minute video.
Yoga helps kids cope with stress and find balance. Research is proving that children who practice yoga are more self-confident and better able to focus in school.
Read about some of the benefits young children get by doing yoga.
Lotus is the national flower of India. It grows in mud and rises above the surface to bloom with remarkable beauty. The lotus flower represents long life, health, honor and good luck. Yoga honors the sun in a series of poses called sun salutations. This sequence is typically performed in the morning to greet each new day and give thanks for the sun's offerings of light, heat and life.
Features: Size: 14" x 36"/36 cm x 92 cm Thickness: 1/4" Weight: 11 ounces Material: Made of TPE (thermoplastic elastomer), an eco-friendly foam-like material
Why is yoga good for small children? Yoga is centuries old, but still relatively new in North America. Only recently has funding been provided for studies in the U.S. to chart and evaluate the benefits of starting to practise yoga at a young age. Preliminary study findings suggest that yoga is helping kids in a big way. Yoga practice can provide a foundation of healthy lifestyle habits that a young child can carry into adulthood. Research is also proving that children who practice yoga are more focused in school and better able to deal with stress.
One parent told Jensen (The Little Mat founder) that her three year-old when agitated would excuse herself from the dinner table and practice a few down dog poses to calm herself. Yoga can increase flexibility, coordination, and concentration. It can also improve a child's balance and muscle strength, promote positive body awareness and good posture.
Some other reasons why your child can benefit from yoga: * Yoga encourages deep belly breathing which ultimately helps your child relax and develops physical endurance. * Yoga is not competitive and is accessible to all children, as they are able to practice at their own level. * Yoga uses positive language, affirmations and visualization techniques, which over time can increase self-confidence and positively develop a child's self-image. * Practicing yoga a few times a week can help aid digestion because the movements promote healthy circulation and deep relaxation. This can also result in better quality sleep.
The story of The Little Yoga Mat After happily volunteering to teach yoga at her daughter’s New York City pre-school, Jensen, the founder of The Little Yoga Mat, realized she had some basic logistical problems. How would she teach yoga to 20 children in a space that only holds 10 adult yoga mats? As a yoga teacher, she always had extra mats around the apartment but not one small enough for her daughter, so one night she and her husband cut an adult mat into four small mats. They were just the right size to give to the kids in my daughter's class. The boys and girls loved them. The teachers loved them. Jensen and her husband were on to something. The children loved having a mat their size. The teachers discovered that the mats helped the kids know where to do their yoga poses. No more running around. Everyone got focused. Jensen's daughter proudly carried hers while strolling to and from school and many moms stopped and asked, “What an adorable mat. Where can I buy one?” Not long after, The Little Yoga Mat became available!
Watch a video of Jensen telling the story behind The Little Yoga Mat.